The projects

A courtyard among the houses – Gratosoglio

A new sports space to discover one’s talent


As part of the Assist program, Fondazione Milan, with the support of Off-White, contributed to the renovation of the 5-a-side football field, basketball and volleyball court at the Parish of Maria Madre della Chiesa in Gratosoglio. The project aims to use sports as a tool for social integration and inclusion in a peripheral area of the city of Milan.

The children living in the community of the parish and the neighborhood are thus placed in a structured and suitable context that, through sports, allows them and the entire nearby community to develop an identity and a strong sense of belonging, as well as positive and lasting relationships.


Fondazione Milan has contributed to the creation of a new 5-a-side football field with synthetic turf, basketball and volleyball court at the Oratorio Maria Madre della Chiesa in Milan through the Assist project, thus providing the youth of the neighborhood with a high-quality and state-of-the-art facility, where they can activate a sports and educational proposal open to the whole community.

Sports, in fact, are considered an educational tool through which young people learn to stay together in harmony and to grow in a structured and positive environment, where they learn values such as respect, inclusion, loyalty, and collaboration.


The main direct beneficiaries of this project will be the children and young people who attend the activities of the Oratorio and the ASD Fenice, which started its activity in the spring of 2004, with the intention of proposing to the children of the neighborhood a different way of practicing and living sports.

Project Partner
  • Fondazione Milan
  • Off-White
  • Limonta Sport
  • Parrocchia Maria Madre della Chiesa
  • ASD Fenice
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