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Vito and the magic of football | Sport for All

Vito: “I feel happy when I play football!“

This is the story of Vito, an 11-year-old boy who takes part in the Sport for All project in Catania.

The project was set up thanks to the collaboration between the Fondazione Milan and the Fondazione Èbbene at the Polo Educativo Spazio47 to enable children with and without disabilities to play sport together.

Vito tells us about his experience with infinite gratitude: “I’ve always followed football on Sundays from a TV screen, now it’s great to be able to put on a suit and play on a real pitch!”

He has a lively look and a great desire to help his younger teammates. He didn’t like going to school much, getting involved and achieving goals, but thanks to Sport for All he was able to learn and put in the effort and responsibility.

“I feel happy when I play football, it all seems so magical! I feel I’m different: when I hang out with my teammates and we share a victory together, I know I’m useful and it’s nice to be able to count on them too. Now I have new friends, I like going to school and I’ve discovered that I’m good at maths”

The neighbourhood of San Cristoforo, with its problems, often demoralizes the hopes of young people like Vito, who want to change the perspective of their present and live fully this special period that only light-heartedness can give them… Feeling free, like when you kick the ball and unexpectedly score a goal!

Thanks to your help you can contribute to the Sport for All project, which every year allows many young people like Vito to rewrite their future and make their dreams come true.

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