The projects

Vimodrone 2016/17

The course that helps youngsters who have had problems with the law to find a job and start a normal life again.


The Sport for Change center in Vimodrone is for youngsters from 16 to 18 years old who have been reported to the juvenile justice system for various reasons.


Most of the minors responsible for crimes are supervised by the USSM (social service office for minors) which in recent years has been placing youngsters in residential juvenile centres not only as a cautionary measure, but also as part of other judicial provisions due to the fact that it combines educational requirements with those of restraint and control.

One of these communities is located in Vimodrone and the aim of that Sport for Change center  is precisely that of helping these youngsters to finish their schooling, to make social reinsertion and employment easier, in  order to prevent them from becoming repeat offenders.


Work by Sport for Change Vimodrone sees 2 appointments per week run by a coach, a professional educator and a psychologist.

The educator works alongside the coach in managing group dynamics and the relationship with the individual youngsters; the psychologist has the task of supervising and learning more about the kids through one-on-one sessions, and also with a help desk and guidance counselling for the parents.

In addition to the sporting activities, the course also offers educational workshops, based on the interests and needs of the group, with the objective of strengthening individual autonomy and allowing each youngster to express their capacity and potential, in preparation for social re-insertion and employment.


The project is for 23 youngsters aged between 16 and 18, of 7 different nationalities: Italian, Egyptian, Moroccan, Albanian, Chinese, Tunisia and Lebanese.

They all have different situations: 6 are in protective custody awaiting sentence, 5 are on probation, 8 are unaccompanied foreign minors, and 2 live in a residential facility for autonomy.

All of them need a guide to help to rebuild their path of growth and independence, starting out on the right track.


The project collaborates with the Kayros association and Fondazione Adecco.

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