The projects

Sport for All: the first centre for integrated sport in Milan

Fondazione Milan and PlayMore! work together to bring hundreds of participants of different ages, gender and abilities closer to practicing sport


“Sport for All” is a sport and social project that started with the aim of promoting sports activities played together by people with and without disabilities, in order to promote social cohesion and integration in the society in which we live.

It’s based on a key concept: sport played by mixed groups, by people with different abilities, is a perfect way to use diversity as a resource for the growth of the individual and of the community.

This project is going to organize different sports activities and events, multidisciplinary and integrated, kept by qualified educators and instructors. At the sport centre “Playmore!” (Via della Moscova 26, Milano), there will be workshops and meetings, to share experiences and best practices in the integrated sports world.

The professional staff and the experience of the partners of Fondazione Milan are going to be the key points of this project.


People with and without disabilities are the main beneficiaries of this project. They are going to be accompanied in every phase of both courses and events by professional educators.

The participants come from different organizations (both public and private), with whom PlayMore! and Fondazione Milan have established partnerships over the years. The volunteers who participate to the project activities on an ongoing basis are selected directly by the two promotors.


The cooperation between PlayMore! and Fondazione Milan started in 2016 with their first collaboration in the “PlayMore! Special” project, an integrated football school for people with and without disabilities.

In the last three years, the project brought hundreds of participants of different ages, gender and abilities closer to practicing sport, through weekly training and special events.

Sport for All is the continuation of the work done with the “PlayMore! Special” project, sharing the same idea of integrated sport and the will of expanding it to more people who could benefit, with a higher number of sports activities.

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