The projects

“All inclusive sport”

Making Sport an engine of change to fight against social exclusion and discrimination for children with disabilities.


The Sport for All project includes a series of initiatives aimed at encouraging the inclusion of people with disabilities in the world of sport and, more generally, in society. Few people with disabilities have the opportunity to practice any sport, and thus enjoy the psychological and physical benefits and relationships that derive from it. For this reason, Sport for All is committed to making sports open to all, without distinctions or barriers of any kind, through integrated sports activities that allow people with different characteristics to take to the field to have fun and grow together.

The initiative is developed in collaboration with CSV Emilia, the head of “All Inclusive Sport“, a project that is committed to including children and young people with disabilities in sports clubs in the province of Reggio Emilia. The main objective is in fact to spread the culture of sports inclusion and diversity, allowing children with disabilities to play sports together with their peers and thus contributing to a more heterogeneous and inclusive society.


In Italy, few people with any degree or type of disability take up sport, either at school or outside school. The sporting offer dedicated to them is generally limited, both in terms of quantity and quality, and, since they are often only involved in sporting activities reserved for them, they find it difficult to integrate and socialise with their peers, coaches and parents. In addition, sports clubs often refuse to accommodate a child or young person with disabilities due to a lack of adequate facilities and the expertise of coaches/operators in the field of disability.

In response to these problems, All Inclusive Sport is committed first of all to contributing to the training of tutors, i.e. instructors, educators or volunteers, through specific courses on the world of disability and integrated sport, so as to encourage a more informed, competent and non-stereotypical approach. In this way, it is then possible to proceed with the integration of children and young people with disabilities into local sports clubs, promoting the culture of diversity and inclusion, with the aim of giving children with and without disabilities the opportunity to get to know each other and grow together.


The initiative is aimed at children and young people with physical, mental, sensory or intellectual disabilities.

In the 2019/2020 sports season, through the extensive network of collaborating bodies, a total of 136 athletes with disabilities were placed in 47 local sports clubs.

For the 2020/2021 season, in order to continue to promote sport and integration at such an uncertain and complicated time in history, a further 20 children with disabilities are expected to be included.

Partner di progetto ed Istituzioni
  • DarVoce
  • Fondazione Milan
  • USL Reggio Emilia
  • Regione Emilia-Romagna
  • CONI Reggio Emilia, CIP, UISP, CSI
  • No profit local organisation
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