The projects

Sport 4 Restart – Amatrice

Using sport as a tool for growth, which encourages the discovery of one’s own abilities and the development of one’s talents.


The aim of the 2022 sports camp in Amatrice is to create a moment of leisure and growth for children and young people who, because of the 2016 earthquake, are still living in difficult conditions and have limited opportunities.

Thanks to sport, recognised as a unifying and educational element, young people have the opportunity to share experiences and develop their skills, through activities and workshops organised ad hoc.

The camp is a great opportunity for young people to meet and grow, and to experience together a new vision of sport through the universal language of football. This experience also helps children and young people to increase their autonomy and organisational and social skills.

The sports campus took place from 2 to 8 January 2022. Over the course of a week, important moments of sharing between young people were created and training courses were held on teaching and consolidating the fundamentals of football. For the youngest, multisport activities were included with the aim of developing their skills and basic motor patterns, which are fundamental for any kind of sport. This was followed by the practical application of the concepts taught to the children in game situations such as themed matches. At the end of the sports camp, an evaluation form was filled in for each beneficiary to identify not only the sports skills, but also the improvement in socialisation and sharing of the experience within the group.


Following the earthquake of 24 August 2016 in Amatrice, it was necessary to undertake post-trauma recovery pathways for children and young people that were continuous and effective for their growth in a complex territory. Sport was recognised as the key element to support young people and their families and accompany them in the stages of growth following the trauma experienced. Moreover, with the Covid-19 pandemic, which has affected Italy and the whole world, it was and still is essential to support children, young people and families in this further complicated historical moment.

Starting in 2017, Fondazione Milan has contributed to the creation of a football pitch and sports camps in the municipality of Amatrice and neighbouring territories, to create opportunities for leisure, meeting and growth for local young people living in particular conditions of hardship dictated by the consequences of the terrible earthquake.  For this reason, in continuity with what has already been achieved, the Fondazione Milan’s commitment to supporting sports, educational and growth activities for children and young people has been renewed in 2022 with the Sport4Restart sports campus in Amatrice, held from 2 to 8 January 2022.


The direct beneficiaries of the project are more than 200 children and young people, aged between 5 and 16, divided into 3 working groups by age group:

Group 1: 2011- 2015

Group 2: 2008-2009-2010

Group 3: 2005-2006-2007


  • Amatrice
  • Fondazione Milan

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