The projects

Pippo Inzaghi for children with heart disease

A communication campaign promoted by Fondazione Milan in favour of the “Children with heart disease in the world“ Association, with the presence of Filippo Inzaghi.


Fondazione Milan, with the collaboration of Filippo Inzaghi, has created a television and press communication campaign in favour of the “Children with Heart Disease in the World” Association.

For more than 10 years, the Association has been offering the precious experience and dedication of its doctors and associates to provide care and adequate hospital facilities in developing countries. The campaign has been very well received, thanks also to the collaboration of radio and television stations and newspapers, which have granted free air time for the commercial, broadcast between April and September 2003. Founded in 1994 by a group of doctors and volunteers, the Associazione Bambini Cardiopatici nel Mondos carries out its activities both in Italy and abroad, especially in countries where there are no hospitals able to provide the necessary treatment. To date, 75 missions have been carried out by members of the Association; 2,150 children with serious heart problems have been visited, and over 400 of them have been operated on in the prenatal or paediatric stages.

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