The projects

San Gerardo Hospital in Monza

Fondazione Milan and Filippo Inzaghi join forces for a project aimed at children and young people who have overcome leukaemia-related problems.


At the S. Gerardo Hospital in Monza, in fact, there is a project to monitor the health status of children cured of leukaemia and lymphomas, implemented and supported by the Maria Letizia Verga Committee. The project, called PPOA (Person Prevention Oriented Approach) is a computer programme that establishes, on the basis of research criteria chosen by medical experts, the deadlines for the checks that a child/young person must make in the phase following the end of treatment. This makes it possible to standardise follow-ups and collects important data for research.

Pippo Inzaghi also wanted to dedicate to this initiative all the proceeds from the autobiography of the book “300 GOL (and I haven’t finished yet)”, in which the Milanese footballer recounts the experience of his long career in football.

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