The projects

A new van for Pane Quotidiano – Milan

Supporting the most fragile categories of the population with mobility and economic difficulties.


Pane Quotidiano ONLUS is a lay, apolitical, non-profit organisation, founded in Milan in 1898. Its aim is to provide basic foodstuffs to those in need; every day, free of charge.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Pane Quotidiano ONLUS started to deliver a box of food and basic necessities to the 100% civil invalids, as they are very fragile categories.

Today they manage to reach about 100 disabled people a week, but the aim is to increase the number to 300 (1,200 deliveries a month, almost 15,000 a year).

To implement this project, Fondazione Milan has donated a new van dedicated to this service.


The main objective is to support the most fragile categories of the population who have mobility and economic difficulties.

The simple but revolutionary idea that has animated Pane Quotidiano since its inception is that no one should ever be without bread and therefore its free distribution is not an act of charity but the gesture that realises this idea. Since then, they have been carrying out this commitment and have integrated other foodstuffs into their distribution, such as milk, yoghurt, cheese, cold meats, pasta, rice, fruit, vegetables and sweets.


The main beneficiaries of the initiative are 100% disabled people with mobility and financial difficulties.

Partner di progetto ed Istituzioni
  • Fondazione Milan
  • AC Milan
  • Pane Quotidiano
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