The projects

Move well, grow better

Public and private together to promote and ‘teach’ proper nutrition and motor literacy to children in the Naples area.


The projects ‘Muoversi bene per crescere meglio’ (Move well to grow better) and ‘Mangia giusto e muoviti con gusto’ (Eat right and move with gusto) have been set up by the Società Sportiva Dilettantistica Europa (SSDE) and Fondazione Milan with the support of the City of Naples and Ussi Campania.

In order to create a healthy sports culture, Fondazione Milan has chosen to intervene in favour of growth in an innovative and long-lasting way: supporting the creation of a territorial environment of motor and sports culture that involves children at school, at home and in their free time. The Muoversi bene per crescere meglio (Moving well to grow better) project envisages two types of intervention: the first is the theoretical and practical support of primary school teachers by football school instructors trained in the Milan Academy method; the second is the distribution to all school teachers and children’s parents of real “guides” to motor education that make it possible to avoid the most frequent pedagogical and practical errors. Two targeted actions to establish a new educational synergy between schools, families and football schools, especially in the long term.  Muoversi bene per crescere meglio (Moving well to grow better), for the 6 schools in Naples involved in this school year, provides 480 hours of activities in the gym with 1,500 children. In total, the project will carry out 3,200 hours of activities in the gym, involving 10,000 children from 80 classes in 40 schools in 8 regions.

The project foresees for each institute involved

– 3 training meetings for teachers on the most correct motor stimuli for different age groups and the ways and times to propose them. The meetings are open to all school teachers;

– 80 hours of physical education in the gym. Lessons are co-hosted by the Scuole Calcio Milan instructors and the class teacher;

– Muoversi bene per crescere meglio (Moving well to grow better), a guide to motor activities in primary school for the class teacher, with suggestions for multidisciplinary studies;

– Muoversi bene a scuola e fuori della scuola per crescere meglio, leaflet for children’s families.

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