The projects

Corvetto 2016/17

Our new Sport for Change project supports minors identified by the local educative facilities


Corvetto is a peripheral area of Milan, in which there’s a high risk of social unrest for many minors. The difficulties of this area are first of all due to an instable economic condition, together with many complex family issues that don’t let families raising their children properly. Furthermore, many families come from different countries and encounter many linguistic issues. For these reasons it is fundamental to involve minors in structured after-school activities, in order to help teenagers avoiding situations that could lead to early school-leaving and dangerous contexts.


Sport for Change’s intervention is articulated in two weekly appointments supervised by a coach, a professional educator and a psychologist. The coach schedules and manages all the sport activities, organizing trainings on the field according to the abilities of the participants; the professional educator supports the coach in the management of the dynamics of the group and of the relationships with all the individuals; the psychologist supervises the activities and organises individual meetings with the kids and with their families.

Besides the sport activities the course is enriched by recreational and artistic laboratories proposed according to the needs of the group, with the objective to strengthen the autonomy and to allow every participant to express his own abilities and potential.

For the development of the program, during the year, the cooperation with the local entities that operate in the territory supporting the minors is essential: such as schools, town councils, social services and local associations. The program is developed in collaboration with the schools and other entities that promote activities for teenagers in different moments of the day.


In this project are involved 14 minors (13-16 years old), coming from different parts of the world: Italy, China, Peru, Ecuador and Egypt. All the minors that participate have a high risk of school drop-out seeing that they live in poor economic conditions. All the teenagers aren’t involved in any afterschool activities and that’s why it is important for them to follow structured activities.


Centro di aggregazione giovanile La Casa di Sam

Centro di aggregazione giovanile Parea

Centro di aggregazione giovanile Tempo e poi

Cooperativa Martinengo – Centro di aggregazione giovanile Icaro

Associazione Nocetum · Istituto Tecnico Commerciale P. Verri

Istituto Di Istruzione superiore Oriani-Mazzini

I.T.I.S. Enrico Mattei · Istituto Comprensivo Statale Pasquale Sottocorno

Istituto Comprensivo Marcello Candia

Liceo Scientifico Statale “Albert Einstein”

Scuola tecnica ITSOS Albe Steiner

Municipio 4 e servizi Sociali – Municipio 4

C.I.O.F.S.-FP – Centro Italiano Opere Femminili Salesiane

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Alta Scuola Agostino Gemelli

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