The projects

Comunità Rigenerate – Messina

Using sports as a catalyst for change to combat social exclusion and discrimination against children with disabilities.


The Comunità Rigenerate project will be implemented in Messina in collaboration with Fondazione Ébbene during the 2023-2024 season. Fondazione Ébbene and Fondazione Milan have been working together for years to implement joint actions that see sports as a tool to promote the social inclusion of people in difficulty.

The project focuses on creating a community-oriented hub that responds to the needs of young people in Messina facing difficulties. This hub aims to provide tools and alternatives to help young people build a life path in an inclusive, safe, sustainable, and lasting environment.


The hub will represent the central point for the implementation of various initiatives aimed at the local community and will actively involve the younger generations, with particular attention to 15 young volunteers who will collaborate with specialized social workers from the hub to carry out the planned activities, including baskin training to promote social inclusion of young people with and without disabilities.

Sports are used as an educational tool to develop motor, cognitive, and relational skills, helping young people to grow and appreciate the value of education and social integration. The sports activities will be coordinated by a professional coach, who will be accompanied by some of the young volunteers from the hub.


The initiative is aimed at 20 young people with and without disabilities, supported by young volunteers.

Partner di progetto ed Istituzioni
  • Fondazione Milan
  • Fondazione Ebbene
  • Regione Sicilia – Assessorato della Famiglia, delle Politiche Sociali e delle Autonomie Locali
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