The projects

Comitato Gruppo India – Kerala

Soccer as Personal Growth and Social Redemption


Fondazione Milan’s project in Kerala continues into the 2023-2024 season, strengthening collaboration with the Committee Group India. The project, in partnership with a local school, will enable approximately 50 young students, both girls and boys, to receive a sports scholarship to attend soccer and sports education courses.


The aim of the project is to provide sports and soccer education to students of the Venerini EM Higher Secondary School Farook College, through the enhancement of sports facilities and soccer courses offered by the school.

The students involved will be divided into three teams as follows: 19 Juniors (aged 14-16) and 16 Sub-Juniors (aged 12-14), and one female Junior team with 19 girls (aged between 12 and 16), totaling 54 young soccer players.

The support will also allow for the upgrading of the existing soccer field, undertaking renovation and modernization works, and purchasing all the necessary equipment for the teams and those attending the sports field.


Students of the Venerini EM Higher Secondary School Farook College and the 3 soccer teams of the school.

Project Partners and Institutions
  • Fondazione Milan
  • Bitmex
  • Comitato Gruppo India
  • Venerini EM Higher Secondary School Farook College
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