The projects

ASD Sporting Murialdo, Oratory Murialdo – Milan

Learning the values of sport while having fun!


In continuity with the project initiated at the Oratory Murialdo, for the 2023-2024 season, Fondazione Milan is committed to providing 30 sports scholarships for the youth of ASD Sporting Murialdo, ensuring that they can continue to engage in sports and making it accessible to all. Concurrently, training days will be organized for coaches and managers of the sports association.


Fondazione Milan aims to contribute to the Sport for Change project by providing 30 sports scholarships for the youth of ASD Sporting Murialdo who, due to critical socio-economic situations, cannot afford the cost of sports activities.

Despite being considered an educational tool through which young people learn to harmoniously coexist and grow in a structured and positive environment, learning values such as respect, inclusion, loyalty, and collaboration, sports are often inaccessible.

Furthermore, to ensure that coaches and management can effectively oversee the local ASD, training days will be organized by specialized technicians from Fondazione Milan.


The main direct beneficiaries of this project will be 30 children and teenagers who participate in the activities of ASD Sporting Murialdo, founded in 2018 and currently counting over one hundred boys and girls, aged between 6 and 15, who practice basketball, soccer, and beginner volleyball.

Alongside the youth, coaches and management of ASD who will participate in specific training days will also benefit.

Project Partners and Institutions
  • Fondazione Milan
  • Oratory Murialdo
  • ADS Sporting Murialdo
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