The projects

ASD Fenice – Milano



The project, implemented in the Gratosoglio neighborhood, located in the far southern periphery of Milan and characterized by a complex social structure, aims to use sports as an educational tool through the implementation of various sports activities at the ASD Fenice.

The initiative is committed to addressing significant challenges such as school dropout rates and socioeconomic fragility, also aiming to actively promote female participation in sports.

The project is therefore conceived as an integrated opportunity for the growth and development of young people, addressing crucial issues and positively contributing to the construction of a more cohesive and inclusive community.


The project aims to engage young people from the Gratosoglio neighborhood through sports activities such as football, basketball, and volleyball, offering a safe alternative to potentially dangerous streets to create a safer environment. In the diverse ethnic context of the neighborhood, sports education is seen as an effective means to promote coexistence and collaboration among communities, with particular attention to female inclusion.

The central focus of the project is to counter school dropout rates, support the social inclusion of foreign students, and provide support to minors and families in situations of socioeconomic fragility. This is achieved through collaboration with territorial institutions and facilitating access to sports.


The project welcomes 200 minors weekly, aged between 6 and 17, offering them opportunities for engagement through various sports activities. In parallel, it caters to 50 young people aged 18 to 25, promoting an inclusive and stimulating environment for their personal and social development.

Project Partners and Institutions
  • Fondazione Milan
  • Parrocchia Maria Madre della Chiesa
  • ASD Fenice
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