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Victor and his guys | Sport for Change

Victor, coach of the “Fare Rete“ project!

Victor, coach of the Cometa Sports Association, told us about his experience with the youngsters of the “Fare Rete” project, during the Covid emergency period.

Thanks to the project realized by Fondazione Milan and AS Cometa, the young athletes had the opportunity to train and keep active, also through technology, to keep alive the relationships and what they learned during lessons in presence.

Victor says that the purpose of continuing to train from home, went far beyond maintaining physical fitness or technical football skills: the boys, precisely because of their fragility profile, could not be neglected and left alone “in front of the playstation”. This is equally valid for their families, even more crushed by the difficulties in managing their children at home, worsened by the lack of social contacts that led them into a state of forced isolation.

Parents have expressed their gratitude and relief by sending messages to the project contact person: “Thank you for supporting the children during these months that have been a bit heavy for them. With some highs and lows, due every now and then to the intolerance of the lack of contact, the workouts were very much appreciated by me too, because in those moments I knew that someone was taking care of him and I could work quietly,” and then again, “Thank you for your imagination and sympathy. It was a sight to see him on the terrace with pots and pans enthusiastically throwing paper balls all over the place.”

The value of training even from home is to empower them and make them understand that when you make a commitment you have to carry it through to the end with dedication. The transmission of these values is the heart of the great work behind the continuous planning and reprogramming of the project’s activities, made possible by AS Cometa and Fondazione Milan.

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