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Sara crowns her dream | Sport for All

Sara can enjoy her favourite sport thanks to Sport for All!

This is the story of Sara, a very sociable, affectionate and empathetic 13-year-old girl: she remembers every person she meets and takes other people’s stories to heart.

Sara has an intellectual disability, which does not prevent her from wanting more autonomy in her life: she wanted to get closer to figure skating, her great passion, only that the first attempts did not go very well.

The Fondazione Milan knows that sport for young people is fundamental and, with its sport project, Sport for All, it has teamed up with CSV Emilia, thus supporting Sara in her greatest passion.

Her tutor Tristano went to the house to meet her, to find out what her sporting dreams were and her desires for inclusion with her peers: together, they decided to introduce themselves to the president of Astra Skate, a local sports association.

Together they decided to introduce themselves to the president of Astra Skate, a local sports association. So Sara, accompanied by her tutor and thanks to the support of Fondazione Milan, began to realise her little dream, to make new friends with the other girls and the coach, to devote herself to her passion, with more determination and positivity every day.

Training after training, her posture has changed, she is much less afraid of falling and is training for her first small race out of town. The path will be long, but certainly full of emotions and achievements.

“We have been looking for an opportunity like this for years”, says the mother, “and thanks to organisations like CSV Emilia, supported by the Fondazione Milan, many children like my daughter can experience it!”

Join the team with us and help us support Sara’s dreams!

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