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Marco’s climb!– Sport for All

Thanks to sports, he overcame his limitations.

We hear it a lot: sports help overcome limits. But what limits are we talking about? If you are faced with a 17 meters high climbing wall, what is the limit for an 11-year-old child?

For Marco, it is not vertigo or fatigue. He scales the vertical wall with the rope without delay, with the agility and speed of a squirrel, and when he reaches the ceiling, like a hawk he drops to the ground.

He laughs: he has no fear, he is capable, tireless, free-this is his discipline.

Marco’s limitation is attention. The greatest difficulty is to concentrate and resist external stimuli, to control the urge to react relentlessly to everything around him. All Inclusive Sport, a project supported by Fondazione Milan, has made him try many disciplines over the years, from swimming to athletics, from gymnastics to parkour: nothing interested him enough to keep him focused.

Then, Marco made two discoveries.

The first was named Carla, a judo teacher with rare gifts of empathy. Next to Carla, Marco discovered he had the ability to calm down and slow down. He enters the tatami agitated; he comes out serene and at peace.

The second discovery is climbing: in the climbing gym Marco has found a context in which his irresistible attraction to heights (a source of several moments of terror for his family since he was a child) can be cultivated.

In this discipline, Marco enhances his climbing skills together with the other children and spontaneously overcomes some limitations related to attention.

And the teammates and coaches? “They are good,” Marco tells us with a smile, “but in my opinion they are all crazy!”

This year BitMEX also joined Fondazione Milan in supporting the Sport for All program and took the field to help children like Marco overcome their limitations and discover their talents. Join the Fondazione Milan team and support the Sport for All program!

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