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Luigi learns socializing | Sport for All

Luigi playing!

Luigi is seven years old and he is a really special child. He always makes himself available for his family and helps his mother with the autistic little brother, involving him in every activity.

However this attitude was always keeped a bit hidden, He did everything in a silent and reserved way.  

But now he smiles and says he feels “ a little man able to relate to peers in a free manner”. 

“Sport works wonders” claims his mother who could see a touchable change in Luigi, thanks to the opportunity introduced by Fondazione Milan with the Sport for All project in collaboration with Fondazione Èbbene

«My son spoke little, he rarely interacted and stood aside. Since sport made part of his life It is as if a new ray of sunshine had arrived. He has a different approach, is more friendly at home, he makes me part of his activities and his school performance has improved greatly. Sportness becomes a lifestyle slowly and I am really proud as a mother».

Sport as an educational and social inclusion tool is synonymous with salvation in neighborhoods such as San Cristoforo on Catania where the only known rules seem to be those of the road and the strongest. Learning to respect others, accepting failure, looking at each other with a team spirit and not with a threat: these are the elements that characterize the actions put in place by the operators and the coach who daily follow children and young people like Luigi who want to build a path away from the street and closer to their dreams.

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