Our stories

The discovery of Gioele | Sport for All

The satisfaction of clutching the cup

When asked what he wants to be when he grows up, Gioele has no doubts: ‘fixing engines’. Yes, because perhaps what contributes to his idea of the future is the image of his grandfather ‘fixing cars’, or those times when as a child he would run through the narrow streets of the San Cristoforo district and take refuge in the workshop of mechanic Salvo.

Face smeared with black, gloves almost always torn off so much work had to be done. And that’s how Gioele cultivated the desire to become a hard worker, the kind that doesn’t even leave the workshop for a while until all the work has been done.

But the dreams of a 15-year-old boy are also made up of passions and a desire that is awakened when he takes to the field. “Since I’ve been part of the Sport for All team, everything is much better, because spending time with my teammates gives me an indescribable energy.”

Where does the desire to attend a football workshop come from? “I always have in mind the times when, as a child, my family and I would get together to watch football matches. I loved watching how close-knit all the players were and how it really took teamwork to win. This is my favourite part of football: being together with my teammates, playing together, as a team.

Sport for All in one word? Impossible! You need many more phrases to describe it: exciting, a discovery, energy and vitality! In short, Sport for All ‘makes noise’. The engines in Gioele’s workshop of life have started up and he has all the desire to ‘put the pieces together’ of a path of growth and inclusion that he is living, in the heart of San Cristoforo in that little field that touches the sky.

Thank you Fondazione Milan!

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