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Giacomo, more sports are better than one | Sport for All

Giacomo and the desire to play!

Today we are talking about Giacomo, a ten-year-old boy who, thanks to his mother Chiara, participates in the lessons of the Sport for All project at the Playmore sports centre in Milan.

Sport for All, which has been running for years thanks to the precious contribution of Fondazione Milan’s fans and supporters, is a project created to give children with and without disabilities the chance to practice sport together.

“He’s not a child who loves sports! – his mother Chiara tells us – he doesn’t like to play on outdoor pitches like all the other children but to play at home!”

Chiara, however, got to know the Sport for All courses, thanks to another mother, and so, thanks to Sport, Giacomo smiles again and, after not even a month, tries fencing!

Giacomo is so involved and protagonist that as soon as he hears about Playmore he lights up:

He participated in the courses all year round, even in cold and rainy weather. “It was really worth it! – Chiara continues

This is because Giacomo at the PlayMore! centre is seen, welcomed and looked after as a child, not as a child with a disability! A child who is involved, encouraged and stimulated to do and try new activities. And it is also the child who is picked up when needed, bringing him back into the group together with all the others, always respecting his time.

Giacomo has learnt a lot from this experience, how to be in a group with the other children, understanding that everyone has their own moment and does things that everyone else does, respecting the times and the rules of the game.

I can only thank the Sport for All staff: Matteo, Francesco, Davide, Najla, Ginevra, Mirko and all the others who always welcome Giacomo with a smile when we arrive at PlayMore!”

That’s why by supporting the Sport for All project you will help us to help Giacomo and many others like him grow: because sport changes lives!
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