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Gabriel, finally back “in the field” | Sport for All

Gabriel gets better thanks to the Sport for All project!

Today we want to talk about Gabriel: a 12-year-old boy who practices fencing at the “Accademia Scherma Lia” in Rome thanks to the “Sport for All” project created in collaboration with Fondazione Milan and AITA Onlus. Gabriel has been looking forward to it and has been waiting for months for the gym to reopen so that he can catch up on his training and time with his “teammates”. Despite the fact that Gabriel can now only train in small groups due to the Covid emergency and not having the chance to see all his teammates again, he is happy to be able to do sport again. He enjoys being with friends, having fun and laughing, but at the same time learning new things from his teachers and being able to work hard to achieve his goals. In fact, “When it comes to commitment, we do it the best we can!” says Gabriel. His future goal and dream is to become a real fencing champion and, why not, maybe one day win a “national” competition. Gabriel is happy with his level but is aware that he wants to improve even more because he understands that he can still improve, and he is convinced, thanks to his teachers and thanks to the possibility of practising “his sport” at the Academy, that he can reach the desired goals with the support of his teammates. This is thanks to the Sport for All project  born from the collaboration with Fondazione Milan that every year commits to supports many young people like him through sport!  Join the team!
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