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Federico and the World of Frisbee – Sport for All

Celebrating Freedom through Sports Practice

Federico is a 15-year-old boy who participates in the Sport For All program by Fondazione Milan in collaboration with All Inclusive Sport. Specifically, Federico is a huge fan of playing frisbee.

It’s easy to say “frisbee,” but there’s a whole world behind it: freestyle, where the most creative and spectacular side of the sport shines, individual and pairs play, all the way to ultimate frisbee, where the lack of a referee highlights self-regulation and fair play.

In the group, the youngest is 7 years old, while the oldest is 15. It’s a lively and diverse environment, with some of the kids participating in the activities being young people with disabilities. Usually, frisbees are flying everywhere to the rhythm of music. Naturally, the first word that comes to mind when you watch these kids train is freedom.

Federico is one of them.

But Federico is introverted, mild, reserved, and methodical. At first, you wonder how he can be so comfortable here. And after an hour, you can’t help but ask yourself: what is this freedom? In mainstream sports, discipline, perseverance, and rule-following are celebrated. Let’s understand this through some testimonials:

“Fede has excellent coordination and there is a nice progression in his catching,” says his coach Riccardo. “He is improving his aerobic fitness to refine his throwing, also through special introductory discs.”

Freedom, then, is not a lack of skills.

Federico is a quiet boy and we have learned to communicate with his silences,” adds his tutor Dunia. “We’ve learned how to bring him back into the group when he isolates himself, what kind of care to show him. The teammates focus on each other, finding effective and spontaneous ways to express themselves reciprocally.”

Freedom, then, is not a lack of attention.

So what is freedom? Freedom is the ability of a boy to act or not without external constraints or impediments and to be able to self-determine, choosing independently the goals and means to achieve them. Freedom is feeling capable, competent, and accepted, so as to be able to bring out in sport what one has to offer, without fear.

Everything else follows naturally. The joy of a well-executed freestyle performance, the laughter at dinner after a training session, the trips in the minibus, and the curious interactions with a boy who loves art cities, music, geography, agricultural activities, and maybe even frisbee, even if he hasn’t told anyone yet.

Join us in supporting the Sport for All program and help many young people discover and develop their potential.

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