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Daniele and his baggage full of hope | Sport for All

Daniele is finally happy!

Daniele is 13 years old and has been living with epilepsy for over two years. He is a very sensitive, responsible boy who loves technology. In his words there is all the burden of this new “strange thing” that happens to him every now and then, there is the fear of sociality because, being sick in front of others becomes reason for derision.

But Daniele is happy when he can play football.

For the first time, he has experienced the beauty of team play thanks to “Sport for All”, a project created in collaboration between the Fondazione Milan and the Fondazione Èbbene at the Spazio47 Education Centre.

“It is exciting to be able to celebrate with my teammates after a goal. Since I’ve been playing football, I feel strong despite the treatment and the fear of being ill. San Cristoforo is a neighbourhood that doesn’t give space to boys like Daniele, but “Sport for All” has not only opened up the possibility of group play to Daniele, but has broken down the wall of “fear of difference” for his companions. In the neighbourhood people knew who Daniele was… and there were rumours about this strange disease.

“My son is finally happy, he is smiling, he is planning his future, he has decided to enrol in high school and study computer science, his mother Gisella tells us. Daniele is a boy who, thanks to football, has learned to believe in himself and his potential. A change that fills our hearts with joy.”

Football can really change your life, the boy repeats with a smile. “It is an activity that teaches you how to live, to respect others and to look to the future with an extra gear, something that many of us do not have the chance to experience. Daniele feels lucky because in a neighbourhood where people tend to marginalise dreamers, he can imagine and build the future he has always wanted!

Thanks to the “Sport for All” project you can contribute and help many young people like Daniele to practice sport.
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