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Alberto runs fast | Sport for All

Like champions, Alberto also gives his best on the field!

Alberto is an 8 year old boy, sunny, full of energy, he can run so fast that we all wonder how he does it.

The first time we met Alberto, he couldn’t sit still for more than a few seconds: he even tried to climb the office curtains while his mom tried to tell us something about him.

With time, we got to know Alberto, even though from the very first meetings we immediately thought that that energy was wasted in closed environments.

Alberto went to school (not anymore because of the pandemic…), then he stayed at home with his mother and his brothers, he was able, for a few hours a week, to go to the Center for therapy.

Stopping to think about it, we see how most of the time these activities are done within the walls. A sacrifice.

But Alberto doesn’t stop, he runs, he runs very fast even at home, at school, at the Center, chased by his mother, grandmother, teachers and therapists. He runs non-stop until he gets tired, without an objective, without being able to finish a game, without a sense, so much so that at the end of the race he appears nervous and down in the dumps.

From the meetings, Alberto’s desire to play with other children emerges, but also his mother’s fear of leaving him in an environment where he could get hurt, run away, be made fun of by other children.

This is how Alberto begins the “Sport for All” project, he starts to run in a real soccer field and no longer at home alone around the kitchen table. He begins to have a very important goal for him: “score a goal!”

He has a super mom who takes care of him and two other siblings, with many difficulties she manages to take care of them and provide for Alberto’s special educational needs.

The pandemic has put the family to the test, contacts with the center that manages the project “Sport for All” have been frequent, we have comforted the mother in the difficult times when she could no longer follow the children forced to stay at home, we made video calls with them in which we could see Alberto continue to run; we comforted them through a phone, we showed them the educational strategies used during training to use Alberto’s energy in a positive way at home.

After returning to the soccer field for a short time, Alberto was back “on the bench” again, waiting to be able to run freely, chasing the ball to score goals with his teammates.

Join us and support Alberto! With a donation you can make him do sport and extend the project Sport for All and promote access to and support of sports practice in inclusive contexts for children with disabilities.

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