Agnese’s adventure began for reasons of age: with the transition from childhood to adolescence, many sports groups become highly competitive and those who cannot keep up with them abandon their beloved discipline. Agnese initially gave up volleyball but then, thanks to the collaboration between Fondazione Milan with its “Sport for All” and CSV Emilia active in the Reggio Emilia area with “All Inclusive Sport” she started skating in the Gruppo Sportivo Budriese together with Ludovica, her new tutor.
“This experience is very important for Agnese,” her mother tells us, “not only from a sporting point of view, because it allows her to try out disciplines that she would not otherwise have been able to practise, but also because her friendship with Ludovica has grown over these months and has brought great benefits in terms of self-esteem and independence. Knowing that Ludovica will come to visit her every Thursday is already a source of great joy: they play basketball, football, volleyball, dance and skate together. Having a girl who is a few years older as a reference point and who dedicates herself completely to her is of great value, especially at this difficult time in history.
It’s true. The problem does not only affect those who, like Agnese, have a disability, but also a huge number of adolescents who could find in sport a healthy place to spend the afternoon with their friends and peers, far from the screens of devices, positively engaged in something beneficial for their body, their health and their spirit. Their future.
Every story has its own plot, and by supporting the “Sport for All” project you too will be helping many young people to build their own future just like Agnese!
A small gesture is enough to contribute to the realization of projects in support of the most fragile and marginalized children.