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Naomi’s enthusiasm | Sport for Change

Alice Village

Naomi is a 14-year-old girl living in Nairobi, Kenya. She arrived at Alice Village in 2016, but has been playing consistently since 2018, when there are free moments or on Saturdays when there are sports activities. Thanks to the opportunity donated by Fondazione Milan and Alice for Children, she has been part of the Alice Village team since 2021, since Davide started training with the girls. Her role in the middle of the field is that of a striker, but if necessary she also plays the role of a midfielder.

For Naomi, football is a fun game that she likes to play in free time and she really enjoys celebrating with her friends when they score goals. She attends training sessions with great interest, for her it is an opportunity to improve her skills.

She is looking forward to the tournament and being able to challenge teams from other parts of Nairobi, a chance to see who is better, to improve and to try to win!

When asked what you most enjoy doing with your friends at football, Naomi replies: “I like it when we put on our game uniforms, both for training but especially for matches, it’s a thrill to do it together! I also like it when we stand in a circle before the game and give each other a boost!”

“What would you like to say to AC Milan or your favourite player?” “I would like to tell Zlatan Ibrahimovic to come and visit us at Alice Village so that he can have a training session with the team and he can teach me some activities under the goal on how to improve the movements to make GOAL.”

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