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Malek: passion and perseverance | Sport for All

Malek and her dance partners!

They come from the neighbourhoods of the city, from those areas that are too often associated with words such as discomfort, fragility and disadvantage. In sport they have found a way to redeem themselves, to get involved, to prove themselves. The opportunity comes from the Fondazione Milan’s Sport for All project, implemented in San Cristoforo by Spazio47, the Fondazione Èbbene’s Centro di Prossimità.

The neighbourhood’s historic shops and alleyways are home to the Centro di Prossimità, where children and young people with disabilities or from difficult backgrounds meet in the afternoons to play sport. Sport for everyone, the sport of Proximity. Sport that knocks on the door and does not care if you are a future Maradona or the next Carla Fracci. Because the aim is to believe in it, to take to the field, have fun and share.

As Malek, 10, one of the children who attends the dance workshop with passion and perseverance, tells us. “Dance has given me the opportunity to make new friends and to strengthen my relationship with the friends I already knew. We get along very well and look forward to the time when we can go to class and learn new things,” says Malek, who is from Romania and has a younger brother. A passion for dancing and the happiness of being able to share it with the other girls. A dream that has now become reality. When I grow up, I would like to sing and dance in a group with my friends,” Malek says in conclusion, “maybe become like the singers we like and follow today. I don’t know if this dream will ever come true, but in the meantime Sport for All is a first step that we are taking and that gives us hope for the future“.

To help Malek and many other children, support Fondazione Milan’s projects and help create a world without distinctions, because sport changes lives!

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