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Leonardo runs free with his teammates | Sport for Change

Leonardo at soccer practice!

Leonardo is an 11-year-old boy who has loved soccer since he was a child. His passion was born thanks to his father, who saw his interest and encouraged him to play from the very beginning, enrolling him in the Cometa Sports Association in the city of Como, to take part in the Sport for Change-Fare Rete! During his time in the red zone he never missed a training session thanks to the enthusiasm transmitted by the coaches through exercises designed to be engaging and fun.

Now that the meetings have started again, Leonardo is much happier: “I missed my teammates, chatting with them about soccer and spending time with them. Finally, I can play the final match, which is my favourite time, because I can let off steam and run free with my teammates and friends”.

For Leonardo, the best thing about this period has been getting back to playing against other teams: “We have already played two games. At the first one I was a bit excited because the opponents were bigger than us and it was a nice challenge, luckily the coaches told us not to worry and to do our best on the field without being afraid. I usually play in goal but I hurt my wrist so now I have to leave it at rest. I didn’t want to give up playing these two games, so I put myself out there and tried another role. I had a lot of fun thanks also to my teammates who helped me.”

For him, playing here in Cometa is a precious moment to free his mind and spend a carefree time together with his friends and coaches, a reference point for all athletes: “If there was no more possibility to play sport I would be sad because here I feel at home, the coaches are fantastic, they support you and bring out the best in us.” 

To help Leonardo and many other children, support Fondazione Milan’s projects and help create a world without distinctions, because sport changes lives!

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