Our stories

Stefano, terrific striker | Sport for All

We work to make a word a better place for anyone, a place open to everybody, without differences, exalting their own characteristics and sensibility

ISTAT data from the report “Conoscere la Disabilità” (Knowing Disability), tell us that 31% of people with disabilities who play sports are very satisfied with their social relationships, while this share drops to 16% among those who do not play it.

This is also one of the reasons why over the years, the “Sport for All” program, since its implementation in 2016 at the Playmore sports center, has become a place of storytelling for so many nice stories, related to children with disabilities who play sports thanks to Fondazione Milan.

In particular, for Stefano, “my favorite sport is soccer,” he tells us. He is always the protagonist of the training sessions and matches that take place on Mondays and Fridays, where among dribbling, contrasts, goals and hugs, sport becomes “social glue”, bringing together children with disabilities and young peers to play sports together without barriers. “I like Milan Foundation because it allows me to train with so many friends!” says Stefano.

And his enthusiasm infects everyone present, from the coaches to the other participants, every moment is made to get to know each other better, stay together, keep healthy and chase the dreams that football can create.

Very often we take for granted that sport is something extra, that is added to everyday life or that you have to practice, the truth is that for Stefano is a unique moment, where being with his friends is an opportunity to say “who he is”, to give vent to his passion, to find his place in the world.

With a donation you can extend the Sport for All project and thus promote the access and support of sports practice in inclusive contexts for children with disabilities.

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