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Filippo’s growth | Sport for All

Filippo at training!

Since Filippo started fencing and attends the Sport for All programme at the Accademia Scherma Lia on a weekly basis, I see many changes in him. What I notice are improvements in terms of attention and concentration in performing the exercises and daily training practices as well as having acquired greater awareness of his physicality in space.

Thanks to the programme promoted by Fondazione Milan and AITA, Filippo has started to understand and perceive the other person as different from himself and therefore to moderate his behaviour. He learned how to relate better in a group of peers and to share the sporting experience.

Filippo has become more friendly, sporty and at the same time competitive, but not in a negative way, he has rather learned that both victory and defeat are part of the game and life, he has learned to modulate emotions, both positive and negative; he has understood that results must be achieved slowly, with work, commitment, dedication and effort and that gratification is not immediate and obvious but requires time and passion.

Filippo’s growth and that of many other children is an important goal. Support the Sport for All programme and join our team!

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