What happened in season 2020-21? So many things…
From a sporting point of view, we have seen AC Milan return to the Champions League after 7 years, after an incredible ride that has kept fans and enthusiasts in suspense: proving that hard work always pays off, coach Pioli’s boys have achieved their longed-for goal.
If we look at young people, part of the Milan Foundation’s projects, there are many stories we have told this year, stories of hope, awareness and integration.
Among the stories of this – not easy – season 20-21, we would like to suggest you to read:
- quella di Gabriel, tenace schermidore del progetto Sport for All di Roma
- Fabio che ha potuto coronare il suo sogno di fare sport in compagnia grazie agli amici del centro Playmore! di Milano, parte di Sport for All
- il ritorno in campo di Nicholas che ha trovato il luogo adatto dove giocare a calcio
- poi c’è Giulia che si è innamorata del gioco del pallone grazie a Sport for Change
- o Giuseppe che ha combattuto contro la discriminazione, tornando a giocare su un campetto di calcio
- non manca Tullia, che si diverte tantissimo con la ginnastica ritmica
- oppure chi, renitente inizialmente alla proposta, si è lanciato nel multi sport come Giacomo
- e Vito che, grazie alla magia del calcio, ha scoperto i suoi talenti
- that one of Gabriel, a tenacious fencer from the Sport for All project in Rome.
- Fabio, who was able to realise his dream of doing sport together thanks to his friends at the Playmore! centre in Milan, part of Sport for All program
- the return to the field of Nicholas who has found the right place to play football
- Giulia, who has fallen in love with the game of football thanks to Sport for Change
- or Giuseppe, who has fought against discrimination by returning to play on a football pitch
- and Tullia, who is having a great time with rhythmic gymnastics.
- or those who, initially reluctant to accept the proposal, have thrown themselves into multi-sports, such as Giacomo
- and Vito who, thanks to the magic of football, has discovered his talents.