The projects

Sportfund – Bologna

Sport for Change - 2018

The programme includes a range of activities to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities and socially disadvantaged young people in society through sport.


The Sport for All project includes a series of initiatives aimed at encouraging the inclusion of people with disabilities in the world of sport and, more generally, in society. Few people with disabilities have the opportunity to practice any sport, and thus enjoy the psychological and physical benefits and relationships that derive from it. For this reason, Sport for All is committed to making sports open to all, without distinctions or barriers of any kind, through integrated sports activities that allow people with different characteristics to take to the field to have fun and grow together.

The initiative has also been developed in the city of Bologna thanks to the collaboration with Sportfund fondazione per lo sport Onlus, which was born out of over thirty-five years’ experience in Paralympic sports and the passion of its founders, who recognise that amateur sport has both a primary and irreplaceable educational, integration and protective function for young people, especially those who are disadvantaged, and a function as a factor for growth and social prosperity.


Today, in the area of equal participation in recreational and sporting activities, children and adolescents with disabilities are subject to twofold discrimination: the violation of their general right to play sports and the foreclosure of their motor activity as persons with disabilities. Yet, the benefits of sport for the disabled population in terms of regaining healthy lifestyles and full and fulfilling social relationships are very clear. The activities presented by Sportfund, therefore, are set in the context of the recovery of the right to sport and social relations for young people with disabilities, while raising awareness of the importance of sport and the opportunities it offers to all.

Sportfund adheres to the “Sport for all” project of Fondazione Milan, proposing sports activities dedicated to girls and boys with disabilities and, to a lesser extent, with social hardship that leads to situations of exclusion and social marginalization.


The proposal involves three groups of 10 young people, aged between 3 and 16, supervised by specialised technicians and instructors and supported with sports scholarships. The disciplines proposed by Sportfund are: swimming, equestrian activities, football and multi-sports activities.

Indirect beneficiaries are the children’s families, as they have the opportunity to be assisted and accompanied in their educational role, and with them the whole community.

Project Partners and Institutions
  • Sportfund fondazione per lo sport Onlus
  • Fondazione Milan
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