The projects

Sport for Change, AVSI – Siria

Fondazione Milan and AVSI together for children affected by the earthquake in Aleppo


For the 2023-2024 season, Fondazione Milan will support some children affected by the earthquake in Syria and Turkey at the beginning of 2023. The collaboration will be carried out with AVSI, an Italian civil society organization that implements development cooperation projects in 40 countries worldwide, so that individuals are protagonists of their own integral development and that of their community, even in crisis and emergency contexts.

Since 2015, AVSI has been steadily present in Syria and works, through a widespread network of partners, to support the population affected by the economic, health, and social crisis resulting from the 2011 conflict. The partnership with Fondazione Milan will provide support to vulnerable children in Aleppo, particularly those affected by the earthquake that occurred on February 6th last year.


Fondazione Milan and AVSI have joined forces to address this difficult situation with the aim of offering children the opportunity to develop their potential through sports, which has the advantage of being an “informal” educational tool that embraces and welcomes girls and boys without limits and distinctions.


The project, lasting 10 months, will involve 270 youths, aged between 7 and 17 years old. Participants in the project will have the opportunity to practice sports, particularly soccer.

Project Partners and Institutions
  • Fondazione Milan
  • AVSI
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