Participants in the first Philantropy Experience held in Catania in September 2022
100 foundations invited to Italian event of effective philanthropy
The spread of philanthropy in the country is taking shape by giving life to the “Italian model,” a relational framework that emphasizes the establishment of a relationship between those who provide support and those who implement interventions that goes beyond giving and receiving and is increasingly defined within the boundaries of a partnership.
It is a philanthropic ecosystem undergoing significant change that acts towards change itself. Italian foundations are supporting processes of experimentation and innovation to generate practices that can be implemented in local areas, impacting the quality of life in communities.
But can philanthropy fail? How can we change the course of an initiative that does not achieve the desired change? Furthermore, can philanthropy learn from and improve upon its failures? How should information and outcomes—whether positive or negative—be managed to provide value to the community and enhance philanthropic action?
These and other questions will be addressed in the second edition of Philanthropy Experience, dedicated to “Philanthropy at work on meaning and solutions: experimenting, failing, learning, and improving.” The event will take place in the enchanting setting of the Santa Maria della Scala Museum Complex in Siena.
The format of this year’s event includes 2 plenary sessions, 6 thematic sessions, and 4 sessions dedicated to guided sharing of experiences. It will also provide opportunities for exchange and storytelling among participants, accompanied, as usual, by networking activities encompassing experiences in the local area.
“The promoters of Philanthropy Experience state that this edition will focus on the potential for innovation and experimentation that Italian foundations can offer the country. This potential necessitates the ability to adapt paths in response to changing times and contexts. If philanthropy wants to be a real driver of social and environmental improvement, it must reflect on its capacity to be effective, especially in times of crisis or resource scarcity, by testing processes and responding to questions revolving around the success-failure and planning-correction pairings.”
Numerous core themes will be addressed over the course of the two-day event, including foundations and cultural welfare, philanthropic instruments and innovation, inclusive sports, as well as evaluation, inequality reduction, and philanthropy and finance.

Attendance is free, and participation is by invitation only, within the limits of available seats. Any inquiries can be sent to info@philanthropyexperience.it.
The initiative is promoted by Fondazione Allianz UMANA MENTE (umanamente.allianz.it), Fondazione Èbbene (ebbene.org), Fondazione Italia per il Dono (perildono.it), Fondazione Mazzola (fondazionemazzola.it), Fondazione Milan (fondazionemilan.org), Fondazione Time2 (fondazionetime2.it), together with Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena (fondazionemps.it), the local promoter for 2023.
The event is organized in collaboration with the following partners: ASVAPP – Association for the Development of Evaluation and Analysis of Public Policies (asvapp.org), EVPA – European Venture Philanthropy Association (evpa.eu.com), Filantropia 2.0 (filantropiaduepuntozero.it), Fondazione Social Venture – Giordano dell’Amore (fondazionesocialventuregda.it), Italia Non Profit (italianonprofit.it), Idib Group (dibgroup.com).
Cultural Partner 2023: Fondazione Santa Maria della Scala (santamariadellascala.com)
Philanthropy Experience 2023 has received the patronage of Acri – Association of Foundations and Savings Banks (acri.it), ASSIFERO – Italian Association of Foundations and Philanthropic Entities (assifero.org), Philea – Philanthropy Europe Association (philea.eu), and the Sport for Inclusion Network (sportforinclusion.org).
In the coming weeks, the final program will be published online. For all updates, please visit the website www.philanthropyexperience.it.