Sergio was passionate about two things: cycling, for which he gave his all, and his beloved AC Milan, with which he lived the intense Rossoneri emotions at San Siro to the fullest. His friends wanted to remember him with a simple yet meaningful gesture: a bicycle ride in his memory in support of the Sport for All project.
Here a remembrance of his loved ones:
Bellinzago Lombardo, September 17, 2022
Dear Sergio,
It has been nine months since you said goodbye to us.
Your friends remembered you on a beautiful September afternoon cycling all together, and I assure you there were many of us, in the countryside of our country.
We combined your two great passions: cycling and Milan.
Through the solidarity that allowed us to raise for the Milan Foundation’s Sport for All project the sum of €680, we think we have represented as faithfully as possible what was your desire for inclusion even for the less fortunate.
We will never forget your great passion for our Milan, which you were able to see again, after the lockdown, for a few more games; the effort you made in climbing to the second ring was repaid by the victories that led us to win the Scudetto that we are sure you celebrated from up there with us.
Da Dicembre manchi nella chat, non c’è partita in cui non ti sentiamo al nostro fianco ma siamo sicuri che in qualsiasi posto tu sia sfrecci sereno e rilassato sulla tua bici e guardi le partite con lo stesso vigore di quando eri con noi.
Grazie Sergio per l’esempio di forza, coraggio e determinazione che ci hai mostrato nell’affrontare la malattia.
You will always be with us.
Your friends
If you would like to donate again so that the “Sport for All” boys can continue their adventure, you can do so by a transfer to IBAN IT91U05034016470000001000 made out to Fondazione Milan or here digitally: