Matteo Discovers Inclusion and Joy in Sports – Sport for All

Helping a Child Connect and Have Fun through Sports

Matteo, a lively 8-year-old boy, attends the sports program run by Fondazione Milan at the PlayMore! sports center. Thanks to the Sport for All project, Matteo is able to find peace and comfort in a friendly and inclusive environment. 

Matteo’s mother says: 

“For us and our children, the world outside of PlayMore seems impossible. However, during the Sport for All courses, everything becomes easier. Matteo has been attending the courses for about a year, and he is learning to interact with others, which is often difficult for him. It is very important to us that he is learning to do sports together with other children.” 

According to Matteo’s mother, the strength of the program lies in the fact that the activities encourage children to help each other, collaborate, and at the same time, discover different sports disciplines by simplifying the rules and ensuring the entire group has fun. All of this is facilitated and supervised by educators who follow the children on the field with passion and care. 

She concludes by saying: 

“The PlayMore sports center is a special place where there are always people ready to welcome you with a smile. For a parent of a child with challenges, seeing him smile means bringing that smile home. Thanks to Fondazione Milan for supporting this project, making many children and families happy.”