The project “IN GIOCO PER IL FUTURO” (play for the future) kicked off on the historical football pitch inside the Real Albergo dei Poveri, with the delivery of the kits and all the sports equipment.
A free initiative for the youngsters of the neighbourhood, led by the FHENIX association with the support of UniCredit and Fondazione Milan.
The aim is to provide social and cultural support for the city through the enrichment of the sports experience offered in the KODOKAN Napoli centre to 30 young people in the neighbourhood, aged between 14 and 18 years, giving them also the opportunity to access the new photography and work orientation workshops that can lead to internships.
Through sports and workshop activities that will begin in November 2020, the aim is to support children at risk of dropping out of school. The objective is to place them in structured contexts and to encourage socialization and individual expressive skills. Thanks to the new educational workshops and sports activities, including the introduction of football, children will be able to discover their skills and talents, develop positive relationships and acquire means and skills to help with their employment. The project involves other partners to help identify those in need: the Territorial Social Services, Municipalities I-II-III-VIII of the Municipality of Naples, ASD Spartak San Gennaro, and Associazione S. Camillo onlus.