The 30 young people from the “In Gioco per il Futuro” project in Naples return to the Real Albergo dei Poveri, which sees the resumption of sports activities that had been forced to suspend due to health safety measures.
Part of the project was also a recently completed photography workshop, through which the pupils used the ‘language’ of images and new technologies, with a critical approach.
In a place where the lack of educational and cultural stimuli and the lack of positive reference figures are very common, the commitment of the FHENIX association with the support of UniCredit and Fondazione Milan becomes essential to give these young people an opportunity for redemption.
Sport, like the photography workshop, represents for them a rebirth, a tool for the formation of the person and the discovery of their own talent, which allows the development of values such as respect, motivation and sacrifice, through a path of growth.
The objective of the activities is in fact to support minors at risk of school dropout by placing them in structured contexts in order to promote socialization and individual expressive skills, with the help of: Territorial Social Services Municipality I-II-III-VIII of the City of Naples, the Amateur Sports Association Spartak San Gennaro and the Association S. Camillo onlus