The projects

Sport for All: new projects with Giuliani Foundation

A new collaboration comes into being, one which aims to promote the development of and access to sport for 200 youngsters with disabilities, thus facilitating social cohesion and integration


Through the project ‘Sport for All‘, Fondazione Milan

aims to promote the development of and access to sporting activities for people with disabilities in order to facilitate social cohesion and integration. The programme continues to be carried out alongside outstanding Italian partners who are held in high esteem in the places where they’ve undertaken work projects.

In 2020, Fondazione Milan will expand the programme in collaboration with the Giuliani Foundation in such a way that more Italian cities will be able to benefit from it. The programme is already firmly established in Milan.

The first project, which has come into being in collaboration with Fondazione Ebbene, will be presented at 16:00 CET on Saturday 1 February at the Palazzetto di Vittoria (RG) during a big celebration dedicated to sport. Attending will be the youngsters involved in ‘Facciamo Meta‘, a project carried out by the Centro di Prossimità Metaeuropa, a great sports and art organisation that focuses on individual skills and not disabilities.

In Emilia-Romagna, Fondazione Milan will collaborate with Associazione Dar Voce to implement the project ‘All Inclusive Sport‘, which will promote the inclusion of more than 120 disabled youngsters in sports teams and groups in the province of Emilia-Romagna.

L’autismo sale in pedana‘ is the name of the third project, which was conceived in Rome. Carried out by AITA Onlus, it makes use of the peculiarities of fencing to help improve the skills of children on the autism spectrum. In some cases, this provides the most motivated with the opportunity to practise sport at a competitive level.

“Through ‘Sport for all’, we hope to help young people with disabilities to grow up on a par with their peers to live the life that they want to lead. Sport therefore becomes an opportunity to enact change for everyone and a vehicle through which Fondazione Milan is able to fulfil its social mission,” said Paolo Scaroni, President of Fondazione Milan.

Giammaria Giuliani, President of the Giuliani Foundation, expressed her satisfaction at the start of this new journey: “We’re delighted to take part in the implementation of these projects alongside Fondazione Milan, starting from Sicily. We enthusiastically support young people in their life journey. Thanks to integrated sport, they can develop a new awareness of themselves as they look to grow and achieve new goals.”

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