The projects

Rome 2016/17

The Sport for Change branch in Rome aims to reintegrate these youngsters in the society


According to the report of the Ministry of Justice, Rome is the Italian city with the highest number of entries in temporary accommodation centres. Moreover, the juvenile correction facilities record the sad Italian record of an average 61.4 daily attendance. In 2016, 1,609 minors were entrusted to social services. This dramatic phenomenon then transforms in a high risk of early school leaving and of being involved in delinquent environments.


Therefore it is vital to give these kids new opportunities, a new chance at life, helping them to reintegrate into society through sport. Twice a week, kids are involved in motor activity on the field: Monday from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm, and Wednesday, from 7 pm to 9 pm. Each workout is supervised by a coach and an educator and takes place at the “Centro Borgo Amigò” Institute. The primary objective of this project is the education of children: the activities made, in fact, are not only about football, but are programmed together by the coach and the educator, based on the educational deficiencies of the group and individuals.


Of the 14 beneficiaries of the project, 13 are guests of the foster home Borgo Amigó. Specifically 7 come from Albania, 2 from Gambia, 1 from Bolivia and are between 17 and 21 years of age.

Most of the participants are minors unaccompanied in Italy, and in some cases with a criminal record. The latter, taking part in the project thanks to alternative sentences to detention come from families in disadvantaged conditions and live in a deviant social environment. The beneficiaries are generally all coming from poor economic situations since they are students with no proper resources. The main difficulty concerns foreign children, who have no adult role models.


The Association ITCA FAP Onlus has a 20 years’ experience in the non-profit area with the “Family House Borgo Amigò”, which welcomes children, both Italian and foreigners, subject to civil or criminal action.

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