The projects

PlayMore! Special 2017/18

Promoting sports activities for disabled people to support social cohesion and inclusionusione


Playmore! Special is an integrated sports project that sees people with and without disabilities taking the field together, in mixed teams, to show that diversity is a treasure for our community.

Acting as a collector for the needs of the territory, PlayMore! collects reports from local organizations, involves young athletes and builds activities that allow interaction with other sportspersons, technicians and volunteers. Now in its second edition, the project has expanded its activities with the aim of strengthening the network built over the years, diversifying the target and the offer. For 17/18 season the integrated football course includes 2 appointments a week instead of one, allowing to diversify the activity by age and ability and involve more athletes and volunteers.

The agenda of the open events will be even more intense to create a dialogue among the athletes enrolled in the course and those of other organizations present in the Milan area. Every appointment is created so that it can be a moment of awareness of integrated sport, but above all a party for players, family members, friends and the neighborhood as a whole.

The young athletes will also participate in the Super League, an integrated 5vs5 football championship with weekly appointments.


In Milan, disabled people who practice sports are still very few. Sports offer is still limited and often the initiatives promoted are “boxed in”.

There are no integrated activities, where disabled people are included in a broader context, together with athletes of all kinds, with the ambitious goal of contributing to the construction of a culture on the subject of a more informed disability as well as even more distant from stereotypes.


Playmore! Special involves around 90 people on an ongoing basis.

During the weekly trainings there is a constant presence of 24 people with disabilities and volunteers: 7 athletes under 30, 7 over 30, 7 volunteers under 18 and 3 adult volunteers, to whom we must add the protagonists of the different events and non-disabled athletes who are involved each week in the Super League championship.

More in general, all the planning activity involves the constant participation of volunteers, PlayMore ! members, members of the community and citizens of the district, in the constant search for the broadest participation.


The activities of the PlayMore project! Specials are carried out in close collaboration with organizations that promote services and projects aimed at people with disabilities both in Milan and in the outskirts. In particular, we wish to thank for their cooperation:

– A.S.D. Bresso 4

– Fraternità e Amicizia Cooperativa Sociale Onlus

– A.S.D. Sporting 4E

– A.S.D. Ausonia Vimercate

– Casina Biblioteca

– Circolo di Porta Romana

– Tukiki

– Cooperativa Stella Polare

– Cooperativa Case Pionieri

– Associazione Athla


There are two project promoters partnering:

Playmore! which involves many sports fans of all ages, gender, abilities and nationalities in projects and social gathering events.

Fondazione Milan Onlus with a long-time commitment in promoting, through the Sport for All program, the access to and the support to sports in inclusive contexts for young disabled people.

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