The projects

PlayMore! Special 2016/17

There are numerous projects and services for disabled people in the city of Milan and the surrounding province, but only a few provide for sporting activities and there are even less integrated activities, where people with disabilities are included in a broader context, with all types of athletes.


PlayMore! Special has been created to give a concrete response to the theme of social integration of people with disabilities through sport, also involving the active participation of citizens.

Acting as an ambassador for the needs of the territory, PlayMore! Special will collect the local associations and cooperatives recommendations in order to involve young disabled candidates, organising a broad programme of activities that allows them to interact with other athletes, technicians and volunteers.

The project involves the organisation of two large-scale activities:

  • An integrated football course, with weekly training sessions, run by an instructor and educator, which is open to 12 youngsters with disabilities and 6 young volunteers.
  • A structured agenda of social events that creates an important opportunity for young people to compete with both the athletes enrolled in the course and athletes from other organisations across the Milanese territory. Each appointment has been specifically designed as an occasion to raise awareness on integrated sport, but it is also a moment of celebration for the players, their families, friends and all the citizens in the district.


PlayMore! Special involves about 80 people on a lasting basis. 20 athletes between disabled teens and volunteers attend the weekly training sessions; an avg of 40 people are involved every month in the various activities.Volunteers who are involved permanently are 5 minors and 3 grown up.

In general terms, the activities involve the constant participation of volunteers, PlayMore! members, members of the community and citizens from the district, with a constant eye on a broader and inclusive participation.


PlayMore! involves sport enthusiasts of every age, ability and nationality in a variety of social events and projects.

Fondazione Milan Onlus has been committed to the Sport for All programme for years, promoting accessibility and inclusive sporting activities for young people with disabilities.

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