The projects

Sport Exclusively for Everyone – 2016/2017 season

Sport exclusively for everyone was created to offer inclusive sporting activities to allow interaction between youngsters with and without disabilities.


It is a movement and sporting course in which the specific discipline is adapted to the capacity and potential of every person and every group, encouraging interaction between equals, exalting the experiential and non-specialised level of movement and sport so that it becomes a central and important part of the life of each person.

The project is structured in two macro-sections.

This year, from October 2016 to June 2017, there will be organized programmes for sporting and physical activities that include three new disciplines.

Apart from Indoor Rowing, Dancing, Basketball and 5-a-side football, we have added:


  • Track athletics
  • Volleyball
  • Karate


The sporting groups meet once a week; every meeting lasts an hour.

After the positive results of last year, in July 2017 we will again run the summer campus that includes sporting activities and entertainment-recreational workshops.

The project will meet two objectives.

  • Physical objectives: the development of conditional motor capacities, improvement in coordination and the acquisition of new motor abilities
  • Educational objectives: the workshop, sporting and play activities are designed to stimulate creativity and free expression, reinforce independence, motor ability and self-esteem, increase a sense of self-responsibility and respect for others, objects and the surrounding environment whilst enhancing the unique character of each child.

The youngsters involved

This year we hope to double the number of attendees compared to those in the first year (53 athletes for the sporting course, 106 for the summer campus). The project is open to youngsters from 6 to 17 years of age, with or without disability, who primarily reside in zone 5 of Milan, the Municipality of Rozzano and surrounding towns. These areas have a high level of social and economic hardship affecting many local families. The involvement of boys and girls in sporting activities that also embrace educational and social aspects will bring indirect benefits to families and concrete support to the educational activities of their children.

The partners

The project is realised in collaboration with Fondazione Don Ghocchi

. For more than 60 years, the Foundation has been involved in assisting the disabled and the elderly, in rehabilitation, training and scientific research.

The project will also make use of the operative support of Special Olypics – team Lombardia

Special Olympics is an international sports and athletic competition programme for youngsters and adults with intellectual disability. Of particular importance is the promotional activity of the unified sport programme (motor and sporting activities for those with intellectual disabilities and those without disabilities).

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