The projects

Sport for Inclusion 2016/17

Fondazione Milan works alongside the Istituto Sacra Famiglia Foundation, proposing sporting activities for people with disabilities to promote a culture of inclusion.


The Istituto Sacra Famiglia (ISF) foundation has in-depth experience in looking after socially vulnerable people.
Having managed care homes, day centres and halfway homes, the foundation for several years the Foundation has the chance understand the needs of its patients and has seen in sport a way to take care of people and supporting their development.
How we can help
Fondazione Milan has decided to support ISF, sharing its values and spirit, transforming sporting initiatives, which until today were in the hands of individual operators, into a continuous activity.
The Sport for Inclusion initiative represents a first attempt at using sport as an educational activity for those guests with severe disabilities. With the goal of involving 100 guests, the project will include 4 highly appreciated sports: golf, orienteering, swimming and football.
Using sport as a mean to instil important moral values, the project will also involve those students of the Falcone Righi high school who have been defined “at-risk” who will be included in a project in which they will be in close contact with diversity.
Educating through sport means getting back to the game, learning to win and to lose, accepting your own limits and reprogramming the future.


The project involved 78 teenagers (13 of which able-bodied) from the Istituto Sacra Famiglia between those requesting asylum, physically and mentally disabled people, people with behavioural issues, from 19 to 40 years of age.

In addition to these, the 10 at-risk students from Istituto Omnicomprensivo Righi, and all the operators involved.


Fondazione Sacra Famiglia was founded in 1896 in Cesano Boscone. The foundation grants continuous care to those with severe disabilities and elderly people who are no longer self-sufficient. Sacra Famiglia is at service of all its patients, whether they are under residential, daily or day hospital care; it has 15 branches located in Lombardy, Piedmont and Liguria.

With the Sport for All program, Fondazione Milan Onlus has been involved for many years in promoting access to sport for disabled kids and giving them support in an inclusive environment.

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