The projects

Fondazione Milan and OBM

Fondazione Milan alongside hospital excellence. 

The S. Gerardo Hospital in Monza was missing from the list of nosocomials of excellence that in recent years Fondazione Milan has sought to support in order to improve health care for all citizens.


Raggiunto un grande traguardo

On May 21, 2009 the red and black Onlus inaugurated the new highly specialised centre for the diagnosis and treatment of vascular anomalies in childhood “Fondazione Milan”, inside the Buzzi Children’s Hospital in Milan. The work carried out made it possible to equip three surgeries and a large waiting room complete with a play area for children. The project also includes the awarding of a scholarship that will allow a young specialist to deepen his knowledge of vascular anomalies in childhood for five years, a rather widespread and disabling pathology for young patients, but still little known. This is why the communication campaign, launched by Fondazione Milan in December 2008 in support of the project, involved three great champions: Filippo Inzaghi, Kakà and Andriy Shevchenko were the protagonists, together with some young patients of the Angioma Centre, of three photographs united by the claim “Sometimes taking care of a child means curing him”.

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