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From Milan to the World: Kolkata

Our journey around the world begins again. From Australia we fly to India to meet the other protagonists of the #FromMilantotheWorld contest. We land in Calcutta among the children of Asha Bhavan Centre.

The Centre, is joining the contest through its educational and rehabilitative activities designed for children, and girls, with disabilities, whose lives are characterized by both economic and educational poverty, and exclusion from the life of their community. Through an all-around assistance, the association aims to give them back the right to sport and health.

Since its inception in 1999 ABC has been working to establish an inclusive society, the intervention programme helps to detect disability early in life and intervene early to restore the child’s full capabilities.

The centre works for a community that is marginalised but full of dignity, beauty and self-respect, strives to create a sense of community and promote the rights of people with disabilities.

The children currently participate in state and district sports competitions, with a desire to participate at national and international levels as well. Sport helps them overcome their weaknesses, promotes independence and personality development.

Talking about the difficulties of the centre, Johnmary Barui, director of the Asha Bhavan centre, told us that: “the main challenges are poverty and the lack of awareness and opportunities for children with disabilities… by participating in the contest we want to help our children through education, rehabilitation and inclusion for a better life“.

To learn more follow our channels: do not miss the appointment on Thursday, October 14 from 17:00 on Twitch channel of AC Milan, you can learn more about the protagonists of the association, or review the episode when it is more comfortable.

To learn more and meet the protagonists of the Asha Bhavan Centre project, click on the dedicated mini-site:

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