Today starts the Festival of Fundraising, both online and live in Riccione, where Fondazione Milan will be a protagonist together with many other Third Sector organisations: this is an opportunity to support Non Profits which use sport as a tool for change and which becomes an opportunity for growth.
2020 was a difficult year for everyone, a year in which the Covid-19 pandemic brought about a major change in everyday life, even for those who, like Fondazione Milan, use sport to give a chance to those left behind and required the right adaptation to new habits due to the health emergency.
In particular, we are thinking of many non-profit associations and amateur sports clubs that have had to cope with the health emergency on the one hand, by proposing new ways of working to their beneficiaries, and on the other hand, have had to reorganise themselves to make their activities more sustainable, ingeniously finding new ways of renewing and sustaining themselves.
The Festival of Fundraising is the opportunity we wanted to offer our project partners to restart and reinvent themselves, to find new ways to meet the economic and social needs that this moment of emergency demands of everyone.
The Festival also becomes an opportunity to network between these associations, share successful methods and take a look at the future in order to continue growing.
This initiative is the first in a journey that the Fondazione Milan wants to take together with its partners and others: to be active players in the Third Sector and bearers of innovation and thus, as the title of the Festival suggests, become “Change Makers”.