On Friday afternoon, the Pontificia Scholas Occurrentes presented the project “Pelota de Trapo – Educate for Life” at its seat in the Vatican City. The project is going to be developed next year to revamp the educational efforts for the benefit of new generations through school and sport.
Fondazione Milan, together with Scholas Occurrentes and Think Equal, is going to participate in the project that was launched upon Pope Francis’ invitation. The aim is to convey the social and emotional values of sport to the young people involved so they acquire the knowledge and skills needed for sustainable lifestyles as well as fostering human rights, gender equality, the culture of peace and diversity. An initiative that invites artists, athletes, thinkers, governments, institutions, entrepreneurs, scholars and civil society to be part of this project and “to think the unthinkable”: a new culture, an education for life.
AC Milan Executive Chairman Paolo Scaroni, CEO Ivan Gazidis and Chief Football Officer Zvonimir Boban, attended the presentation also focused on sports and social engagement. The Executive Chairman Paolo Scaroni gave to the Pope, a passionate fan of football, AC Milan’s 120th-anniversary jersey and the book “Sempre Milan” while the Pope gave to the Rossoneri the “Peolta de Trapo”, the ball of rags which is the symbol of the humble but powerful virtues of sports.
At the end of the presentation, Paolo Scaroni said: “The meeting with the Holy Father was very emotional and energetic and touched us deeply. We enthusiastically welcomed Pope Francis’ invitation to consider a project tied to the “Pelota de Trapo”, the ball of rags that represents the strength and joy that a humble but powerful tool can bring to the most in need. Football is undoubtedly the most amazing global communication tool and connects people. We are proud that Fondazione Milan is going to give its contribution to improving many lives as this has been our mission for the past 16 years carrying out several projects across the world”.
Enrique Palmeyro – Chairman of Mondo Scholas “Through these new sports techniques, children are able to acquire great and important values such as teamwork, sacrifice, solidity, honesty and respect for others. A new way of playing football, where even the conflicts that arise are solved through mediation while understanding that the objectives are two, the result but, most of all, the whole process using the rules written thanks to those values. The initiative aims at giving strength to these principles where the result is not as important as the desire to have fun, joyfully and in a simple way. Human beings are able to play and enjoy with very few things”.