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From Milan to the World: Rio de Janeiro

We have reached the last stop on our journey around the world. The #FromMilantotheWorld contest ends in Brazil, in Rio de Janeiro.

The Gol De Letra Foundation, is joining the contest with an innovative project that consists of a training course addressed to the so-called community leaders who already use sports as a powerful tool to promote inclusion and social change.

Even more broadly, the initiative is committed to creating networks of public and private entities that can make a concrete contribution, through sport, to community development.

The Gol de Letra Foundation carries out its socio-assistance mission in areas characterised by strong social and economic inequality; this means that many children and adolescents grow up without an adequate system of educational, cultural and recreational support, a lack which then translates into limited possibilities for personal and collective development and growth.

Sport is thus configured as a real tool for social change, not only on an individual level, but also on a collective level, so as to accompany the growth of children through the strengthening of local support systems.

The direct beneficiaries of the initiative are 45 sports instructors/educators who already devote their lives and time to the promotion of sport as an educational tool and a promoter of social cohesion and public health.

In addition, public schools in the target communities will share part of the training with them, in order to achieve greater involvement and cooperation between different bodies that share the same values, methodologies and objectives. Indirect beneficiaries of the project will be the children and young people of the identified communities, who will enjoy a higher quality and quantity of sports offer dedicated to them, without any distinction of race, origin, gender, ability or socio-economic background.

To learn more follow our channels: do not miss the appointment on Thursday, November 4 from 5 pm on AC Milan‘s Twitch channel, you can learn more about the protagonists of the association, or review the episode when it is more comfortable.

To learn more and meet the protagonists of the Gol de Letra  project, click on the dedicated mini-site:

Share the initiative and support one of the six projects, we remind you that you can vote until 11 November!

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